Concrete . Copper . Iron wire . Steel cord

When I get on the bus to the city I go past construction site after construction site. Everywhere around us they’re demolishing the cityscape that I and maybe you grew up with. Biggest is probably the “Göta älv” bridge that I go over every day and it’s probably there the massive shattered concretblocks, sprawling with rebar caught my interest.

One day when I was out walking I saw how someone had written “Didn’t think it would be noticed” on one of the green boarding that surround many of Gothenburgs construction sites. Which I interpreted as ironic commentary on the changing cityscape. In my mind it became a symbol for the nonchalance I experience in the development of my city.

This collection is an atempt at preserving a memory of the city that i grew up in, to create an artifact of someting that has been.
@gwynnion | contact@gwynnion.com